
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I dnt know how I feel. I think I was numb for a while. Thought I was rationalizing, I guess I still am. Don’t know If I felt enough grief. And right now its just a whole load of confusion and regret. I don’t know how things were at the end. How he felt how we were. I was supposed to keep msging but I stopped. Had to work up the courage to do it every time.  Thought I was giving him space but I think I might have just been deluding myself. I feel confused, amused and nostalgic one second and lethargic and well… I guess sad the next. I want to read more of what he wrote. I want finality. I want closure...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

GLORIFIED CHAPRASI aka The rant of an electives student

ya chaprassi... you heard me, some might say im working in research but at the end of the day a well trained monkey could do my job. He might stick a slide up his nose during the process but undoubtedly his penmanship is better then mine, to quote Miss Sadaf (alias annoying English teacher who thinks closet is the closest thing to you)  "Tum paoon se likthi ho" translation: i am in awe at the dexterity of your feet (the meaning looses a little something in the translation:P) 

So heres what i do sort files, type articles, sort files, make a list of all the goiters in existence, sort files, look at the occasional slide, swoon at preserved uteruses, sort files.

oh and every once in a while when im specially lucky i get to look for lung tumors that some one dropped on the floor... apparently the five second.. ahem make that 15min rule applies in histopathology. hmmm... never did find that last piece of festering lung  

Life of a Pseudo-podiatrist

ok soo lets start writing  again......

  • Customary 2 year laziness induced hiatus....CHECK
  • Pile of unopened books and applications shoved under desk... CHECK
  • ME MOOSE................ummm...hmmmm...ya well who needs him.

So iv been seeing a lot of feet recently, big feet, small feet, girl feet, guy feet, pretty feet and unfortunately lots of stinky fungus ridden feet *Gags theatrically*. Every time a patient comes and says "Daikhain doctor sahab......" i  say "Sure, Sure we'll get to that.... Now show me some know you wanna *winks". Jokes aside its like i'm the victim of some some poorly thought out foot fetish only..... i don't wanna see more feet!!!. 

Sometimes they'll even trick you into it... you think your about to leave *que jaws music*... your past the exam jump past the belligerent escape the overeager daughter in law... past their newly teething snot nosed brat....  your almost to the door....

"OH Doctor!!"  wiggles a well bunioned toe   "Come back here" 


PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE: For all Podophiliacs consider Diabetes as a career choice today!

Sincerely Mooseless

Monday, April 4, 2011

Off bunnys and perverts

Public response to the last post:

"IM THE PERVERT RIGHT???!?!?! RIGHT????" (this character will hence forth be a doe eyed energizer bunny)

Moose-less: Ummmm... not really, You know i wasnt really targeting anyone (moose-less sees imminent death and  crosses fingers behind back)

Energizer bunny: But i want to be the pervert. Let me be the pervert! MAKE ME THE PERVERT!!!!!!!
Moose-less :OK... you can be the pervert

Energizer puppy (yes now shes a canine): YES!!!! I AM A PERVERT. I AM A PERVERT!!!!!!!

0_o .... Damn med students are wierd

Anyways keep it up my pretties your lunacy feeds my mania

Sunday, April 3, 2011

AND wuv is a level above love

"I wuv you and WUV is a level above love for moose-less"

So i have been saying this a lot lately, this and "I SIT ON YOU!!!!!!!" (moose-less has gained a bit of weight and is looking...well.. like a moose). But my idiosyncrasy apart this is what happens when your a cliched, single, female and obviously hormonal med student:

Originally "this" started with two of my friends walking around AKU's lake (code for picturesque mosquito ridden swamp) in a bout of the typical post exam aimlessness.  Object of the game- come up with your own fantasy adventure, it has to have a romantic twirl and a happy ending. So basically anything that comes out of a book written for said hormonal med students. Now due to some confidentiality issues, legal jargon yadah yadah yadah.. and the overall embarrassment of a certain moose-less individual, I will not put down the story to keyboard (see how i substitute parchment,nice no? take that you traunt moose!!). However for the purpose of my all important point I will put down some details.

Scene: Apocalyptic blizzard to end all blizzards


  • Black leather clad, sword swinging, tough guy or rather gal looking; I dont a need a man warrior chick.... whose probably has "raven" hair 
  • Pink wearing, ghammon ki shara bhataking (private joke), I would like a man who would let me be me but also takes care of me, angel faced, probably blond, princess
  • The fixy moose who busted into their game half way through shouting "AND ME AND ME" and was alternately a stinky polar bear and a brain chomping zombie
  • The no longer fixy moose who is now a mystic healer woman/ hermit who lives deep in the mountains. (my favourite character OBVIOUSLY)....maybe a brunette
  • The confused fourth party who is part amnesiac lost princess, part magical powers wielding prophetic savior of an alternate kingdom, part spunky romantic interest of said kingdom ruler and maybe even a were squirell... I'm not sure everything went into a blurr after the first two characters.... hair colour changes with the bipolarity
Basic premise: save the planet....Oooopppsss make that village. I always get my apocalyptic storms mixed up :P

Any ways going back to my meandering point, these characters, their personalities, stories, redeeming qualities and "man" interest spoke quite a bit about the minds that wrote them. We often say how very diverse human nature is but never had the differences in my own friends been so starkly visible to me. Now that I come to think about it there is pretty much a microcosm within the eight people I spend my days with. It is something of food for thought; Would we even be together were it not for a coincidental living condition??? Even now as I issue this rhetoric One of them will hotly dispute; One will cite some round about example that only she will comprehend; unbelievably One might just agree; One will try to pacify; One justify; One will find the entire conversation boring and pointless and One will crack a dirty joke which will take this whole conversation in a very "different" direction. The whole thing will end with no opinion really changed and all opinions aired with the finesse of a bull horn but for once I will look around and say

" I Wuv you guys and Wuv is a level above love " 


P.S (for a certain Sam) time for some blind love, dont give me any crap about the fantasy game :p

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011


    Ya, my little ode to the stereotypical artiste,

    So, no offense to the Greeks but toga clad semi naked ladies really aren't my thing. Now moose or should i say mooosei (pronounced with an i) are another thing entirely. Large... Hairy... Prone to spitting; with all the features of a quintessential "chowkidar baba", pretty much a writers paradise.

    The only problem is AKU isn't a very moose prone environment. For some reason one sniff of the devils brew/Guyton and your friendly neighborhood moose hightails it to the nearest "liberal arts" college (heavy on the liberal light on the college please). Now, being of a less than sound mind and a clearly bitter moose-less state i have some theories as to why me beloved moose left me:

    • Cant take the heat... spitting and pooping is hard work, lives depend on the digestive systems of these glorious quadrupeds 
    • Dead baby issues or maybe that's just me.. i mean seriously who puts babies in jars, i get the whole pursuit of knowledge crap but there are some lines you do not cross *shivers*
    • XOXO look at the hair on that moose: now this is a serious issue, med students lack lives thus, they bitch about other med students lives (the whole vicious cycle deal). its kind of sad really, but hey, who am i to talk??? I'm the loser mourning the moose. (note to self: import life NOW)
    • The Weather. Ever smelt a moose in July, would turn anyone suicidal 
    • I SUCK.... no that cant be right
    • All the taarna/poondi/ogling/drooling/bulging eyes bugs bunny impressions, scared em off (moosei are very sensitive hunka hunka meats)
    • THE DEATH OF ALL THAT IS  SACRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( sorry the zealot in me couldn't help that)
    • Zardari; cuz, well, lets face it hes to blame for everything
    • T.J, aka menopausal man, the physiology professor from hell, scared them off
    A new race of super mooses..... Israeli conspiracy.... moose burgers... Aliens... more POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AAARRRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!.... forget it. I lost me moose. The world sucks

    Sincerely moose-less